Good Morning Girls..
First of all I wanna say sorry for not updating more often for this past 1 week. The problem was my nails! I had to cut them for a course and ive been moarning for it this weekL Its just so short! I’ve never imagined it being this short before (yeah probably when I was a kid in school!). Neway, ill slowly get back to blogging. Trying to grow it asap!
So as for the color today, it’s a color from Orly; Tennis Anyone? It’s a off white sheer polish that applied really well. The only problem was it needed 3 coats so drying time was a little longer. So here you are; Tennis Anyone?

At times I get out of my maniac phase and opt for a subtler look and this is one of those days. I don’t know why but when it comes to soft shades etc, I prefer white rather than pink. Its more elegant I think. So what you think?

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  1. very nice and classy colour.. not fond of the drying time though :)

  2. not a fan of tennis, yes, a fan of this.

  3. The index and middle fingers on my right hand both broke. At first I just filed down the nails on that hand, so I had one hand with long nails and one with short. I just couldn't bring myself to file down the "good" hand! lol But those nails never caught up, they kept peeling and breaking instead. I finally just filed them all down so they are all short. :( I know how you feel!


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