Good morning girls..I was just wondering if you girls knew what fimo nail arts were? Heard of it before? Well hopefully this summary i'm gonna give you is sufficient enough:-). 
Ok you know the clay like thing that they put on the nails that can easily be found in Sg wang and places like that? This:
Now thats Fimo Nail Art. Basically its a moldable polymer clay that can be used  to make nail arts. These clays then can be cut into a paper thin slice ( if you can. I couldnt:-() and then tada.. you can use them as designs for your nails. Most of the designs that can easily be found are butterflies, fruits, leopard skins, flowers and various other colourful shapes. And the best part is: its cheap! Only Rm 1! 

So neway, this is what i started with. 

How to do it?
1) Paint a base colour
2) paint clear top coat and paste the fimo nail art wherever you want. Press them down with orange stick or something.
3) Put on some glittery polish on the tips.
4) Put on a top coat for glossy finish.

At the end it would look like this:

I didnt really like them so much. I got these tips in various websites and seriously, i couldnt get them to look like this:

click here to view source

So, me being all bored and all, i did this: 

Hopefully it looks ok:-)

So how did your 1st design go? If you've done it before :-D

P/S- I saw D-Mask selling some Fimo sticks. do click here to visit them. I also saw them here but they look more pricey:-(
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  1. tht's cool! where in did you buy those fimo clays? It'll be great to try them out. :D

  2. Hi Niki.
    Its 2nd floor i think. Some where behind a colourful shoe shop- Damn cant recall it when i need to but i knw it starts frm 'M'. Mojo or something i think. Orange and brown shop. Opp it there is a paint & light shop tht has a jigsaw puzzle pic of mona lisa outside the shop. haha thts my landmark usually.
    So neway this nail art shops are just behind it. some small lane. Sorry no name i think:-) most of them sell it anyway:-)
    Good luck

  3. but it is so so hard to cut them thin! i tried and i almost cut myself because they are so hard and easily slip off hand :S i guess maybe i should just buy the ready-cut one.

  4. thanks nisha! will try to find it the next time i go out. :D

  5. can i buy this at here???how much??

  6. hahaha, i tot it was those erasers.. and u cut them out to stick on yr nails.

    yr nails.. it's so cute. i like :)

  7. i cant find the shop in sg wang tho but i found in one of the websites, rm4.49 for each stick. i placed my order this afternoon :D

    here's the link:

  8. I think your nails turned out fantastic... I also purchased fimo sticks from Ebay I received about 60 sticks for 3$ canadian which included free shipping. I tried to do nail art once already and I cut the slices a little thick so it was hard to stay put but they are pretty cool little decals to add to your manis

    visit my blog and follow my journey!

  9. Thanks dear! I will check out your site soon:-)

  10. awesome. AND cute. but dont they use that type of thing to make like earrings and charms? idk. anyway,i didnt know you could do nail art with these. it's kinda cool. :D

  11. these nails look so cute! i don't know if i'd allow myself more than one on each nail though, unless it's an accent nail since i'd probably ruin them in a day. really love the one you did with purple tips!


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